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Ungulates of the World
Species fact sheets

Ungulates account for the vast majority of large herbivores currently on earth. Their influence stretches across nearly every biome, and their indigenous ranges include all zoogeographic regions except Antarctica. With human help, ungulates have expanded into nearly every corner of the globe. "Ungulates of the World" indeed!

There is no definitive list of ungulate species, and four recent Ungulate Taxonomies (from sources published 2005-2024) show surprising similarities and differences. The species list presented here follows the January 2024 version of the Mammal Diversity Database, a taxonomic synthesis by the American Society of Mammalogists. Since species-concepts are flexible, some species recognized here may not be widely accepted, and other proposed species may not be listed.


Did you know?

286 modern ungulate species are recognized by the 2024 Mammal Diversity Database.  At least six of these species have become extinct over the past 500 years at the hands of humans, and many more are on the brink.


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Family Tree

Family Equidae
Equus africanus African wild ass (wild form of the domestic donkey, Equus asinus)
Equus ferus Wild horse (wild form of the domestic horse, Equus caballus)
Equus grevyi Grevy's zebra
Equus hemionus Asian wild ass
Equus kiang Kiang, Tibetan wild ass
Equus quagga Plains zebra
Equus zebra Mountain zebra
Family Tapiridae
Ceratotherium simum White rhinoceros
Diceros bicornis Black rhinoceros
Rhinoceros sondaicus Lesser one-horned rhinoceros
Rhinoceros unicornis Greater one-horned rhinoceros
Order Artiodactyla
Family Camelidae
Tribe Camelini
Camelus ferus Bactrian camel (wild form of the domestic Bactrian camel, Camelus bactrianus)
Camelus dromedarius Dromedary, Arabian camel
Tribe Lamini
Lama guanicoe Guanaco (wild form of the domestic llama, Lama glama)
Lama vicugna Vicuña (wild form of the domestic alpaca, Lama pacos)
Family Suidae
Phacochoerus aethiopicus Desert warthog
Phacochoerus africanus Common warthog
Family Tayassuidae
Hippopotamus amphibius Common hippopotamus
EXTINCT: Hippopotamus lemerlei Lemerle's Dwarf Hippopotamus
EXTINCT: Hippopotamus madagascariensis Madagascan dwarf hippopotamus
Suborder Ruminantia
Family Tragulidae
Family Giraffidae
Giraffa camelopardalis Northern giraffe
Giraffa giraffa Southern giraffe
Giraffa reticulata Reticulated giraffe
Giraffa tippelskirchi Maasai giraffe
Family Moschidae
Moschus anhuiensis Anhui musk-deer
Moschus berezovskii Forest musk-deer
Moschus chrysogaster Alpine musk-deer
Moschus cupreus Kashmir musk-deer
Moschus fuscus Black musk-deer
Moschus leucogaster Himalayan musk-deer
Moschus moschiferus Siberian musk-deer
Family Cervidae
Subfamily Capreolinae
Tribe Alceini
Alces alces Moose
Tribe Capreolini
Capreolus capreolus Western roe deer
Capreolus pygargus Eastern roe deer
Tribe Odocoileini
Bisbalus citus Gray brocket
Mazama americana Northwestern red brocket
Mazama chunyi South Andean red brocket
Mazama jucunda Atlantic forest red brocket
Mazama nanus Pygmy red brocket
Mazama rufa Southeastern red brocket
Mazama rufina North Andean red brocket
Mazama temama Central American red brocket
Odocoileus hemionus Mule deer
Odocoileus pandora Yucatan brown brocket
Odocoileus virginianus White-tailed deer
Ozotoceros bezoarticus Pampas deer
Passalites nemorivagus Northern brown brocket
Pudella carlae Peruvian yungas pudu
Pudella mephistophila Ecuadorian paramo pudu
Subulo gouazoubira Southern brown brocket
Subfamily Cervinae
Tribe Cervini
Cervus albirostris White-lipped deer
Cervus canadensis
Cervus elaphus
Western red deer
Cervus hanglu Central Asian red deer
Cervus nippon Sika deer
Dama dama Common fallow deer
Dama mesopotamica Persian fallow deer
Rucervus duvaucelii Barasingha
Rucervus eldii Brow-antlered deer
EXTINCT: Rucervus schomburgki Schomburgk's deer
Rusa alfredi Visayan spotted deer
Rusa marianna Philippine brown deer
Rusa timorensis Javan deer
Rusa unicolor Sambar
Tribe Muntiacini
Muntiacus atherodes Bornean yellow muntjac
Muntiacus crinifrons Black muntjac
Muntiacus feae Fea's muntjac
Muntiacus gongshanensis Gongshan muntjac
Muntiacus malabaricus Malabar red muntjac
Muntiacus muntjak Southern red muntjac
Muntiacus puhoatensis Puhoat muntjac
Muntiacus putaoensis Leaf muntjac
Muntiacus reevesi Reeves's muntjac
Muntiacus rooseveltorum Roosevelt's muntjac
Muntiacus truongsonensis Annamite muntjac
Muntiacus vaginalis Northern red muntjac
Muntiacus vuquangensis Large-antlered muntjac
Family Bovidae
Subfamily Antilopinae
Tribe Aepycerotini
Tribe Alcelaphini
Tribe Antilopini
Antidorcas marsupialis Springbok
Eudorcas albonotata Mongalla gazelle
Eudorcas rufifrons Red-fronted gazelle
Eudorcas thomsonii Thomson's gazelle
Eudorcas tilonura Eritrean gazelle
EXTINCT: Eudorcas rufina Red gazelle
Gazella arabica Arabian gazelle
Gazella bennettii Indian gazelle
Gazella cuvieri Cuvier's gazelle
Gazella dorcas Dorcas gazelle
Gazella gazella Mountain gazelle
Gazella leptoceros Slender-horned gazelle
Gazella marica Arabian sand gazelle
Gazella spekei Speke's gazelle
Gazella subgutturosa Goitered gazelle
Madoqua cavendishi Naivasha dik-dik
Madoqua damarensis Damara dik-dik
Madoqua guentheri
Guenther's dik-dik
Madoqua kirkii Kirk's dik-dik
Madoqua piacentinii Silver dik-dik
Madoqua saltiana Salt's dik-dik
Madoqua thomasi Ugogo dik-dik
Nanger dama Dama gazelle
Nanger granti Grant's gazelle
Nanger notatus Bright's gazelle
Nanger petersii Peters's gazelle
Nanger soemmerringii Soemmerring's gazelle
Ourebia ourebi Oribi
Procapra gutturosa Mongolian gazelle
Procapra picticaudata Tibetan gazelle
Procapra przewalskii Przewalski's gazelle
Raphicerus campestris Steenbok
Raphicerus melanotis Cape grysbok
Raphicerus sharpei Sharpe's grysbok
Tribe Caprini
Arabitragus jayakari Arabian tahr
Budorcas taxicolor Himalayan takin
Budorcas tibetana Chinese takin
Capra aegagrus Wild goat (wild form of the domestic goat, Capra hircus)
Capra caucasica West Caucasian tur
Capra cylindricornis East Caucasian tur
Capra falconeri Markhor
Capra ibex Alpine ibex
Capra nubiana Nubian ibex
Capra pyrenaica Iberian ibex
Capra sibirica Siberian ibex
Capra walie Walia ibex
Naemorhedus baileyi Red goral
Naemorhedus caudatus Long-tailed goral
Naemorhedus cranbrooki Cranbrook's goral
Naemorhedus evansi Burmese goral
Naemorhedus goral Himalayan goral
Naemorhedus griseus Chinese goral
Ovis ammon Argali
Ovis canadensis Bighorn sheep
Ovis dalli Thinhorn sheep
Ovis gmelinii Asian mouflon (wild form of mouflon and domestic sheep, Ovis aries)
Ovis nivicola Snow sheep
Ovis vignei Urial
Rupicapra pyrenaica Southern chamois
Rupicapra rupicapra Northern chamois
Tribe Cephalophini
Tribe Hippotragini
Hippotragus equinus Roan antelope
Hippotragus niger Sable antelope
EXTINCT: Hippotragus leucophaeus Bluebuck
Tribe Neotragini
Tribe Oreotragini
Tribe Reduncini
Subfamily Bovinae
Tribe Boselaphini
Tribe Bovini
Bos bison American bison
Bos bonasus European bison
Bos gaurus Gaur (wild form of the domestic gayal, Bos frontalis)
Bos javanicus Banteng
Bos mutus Wild yak (wild form of the domestic yak, Bos grunniens)
Bos sauveli Kouprey
EXTINCT: Bos primigenius Aurochs (wild form of domestic cattle, Bos taurus)
Tribe Tragelaphini
Literature Cited

American Society of Mammalogists (2024). Mammal Diversity Database. v1.13, released 30 Jan 2024. Available online at the Mammal Diversity Database website.