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An Ultimate Ungulate Fact Sheet
Tribe Alcelaphini
Sassabies, hartebeests, and wildebeests
The Alcelaphini is a group of large, nomadic antelope native to Africa. This tribe is a relatively recent evolutionary development - the first fossils appear between 5 and 4.5 million years ago in Africa. After initial appearing, this subfamily diversified with extraordinary speed - 2 million years ago, the Alcelaphini reached a peak in their diversity, with at least 8 genera and over 15 species. Today, there are six well-recognized species, but up to 25 modern species have been suggested using the Phylogenetic Species Concept.

All of the species in this tribe are specialized grazers, adapted to living at high population densities and utilizing an abundant but unstable food supply. While the Alcelaphini ranged across much of Africa in huge herds as little as a few centuries ago, their present numbers and distribution have been reduced due to human actions. Only the wildebeest and topi populations in East Africa approach their former numbers.

Among the Alcelaphini, there is little sexual dimorphism aside from size: males tend to be 10-20% larger than females. All species have a gawky, awkward appearance. The legs are long and thin, being well adapted for a cursorial existence on the open plains. The forequarters are noticeably enlarged and the back slopes down towards the hindquarters, especially in the hartebeests (Alcelaphus sp.). Pedal scent glands are found in the forefeet only. The face is elongated (compensating for the high forequarters and disproportionately short neck, and thereby permitting these species to graze). Preorbital glands are well-developed in both sexes. The lyrate or double-curved horns are found in both males and females of all species (those of males tend to be longer and thicker).

The young of all species are born a light tan color and are precocious "followers" (sticking close to their mothers after birth). In several species (notably the wildebeests, Connochaetes sp.) neonates never have a "hiding" phase and can keep up with their mothers within a day of being born. Several species of Alcelaphine antelope are used extensively in game ranching, including the red hartebeest, blue wildebeest, and blesbok.

The Alcelaphini Family Tree
Branch lengths are not proportional to time
(From Hassanin et al., 2012)

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Literature Cited

Alden, P. C., R. D. Estes, D. Schlitter, and B. McBride. 1995. National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. New York: Chanticleer Press.

Estes, R. D. 1991. The Behavior Guide to African Mammals: including hoofed mammals, carnivores, primates. Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Hassanin, A., Delsuc, F., Ropiquet, A., Hammer, C., Jansen van Vuuren, B., Matthee, C., Ruiz-Garcia, M., Catzeflis, F., Areskoug, V., Nguyen, T.T., and Couloux, A. 2012. Pattern and timing of diversification of Cetartiodactyla (Mammalia,Laurasiatheria), as revealed by a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial genomes. Comptes Rendus Biologies 335: 32-50.

Kingdon J. 1997. The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. London and New York: Academic Press, NaturalWorld.

Walther, F. R. 1990. Hartebeests. In Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals. Edited by S. P. Parker. New York: McGraw-Hill. Volume 5, pp. 418-436.

Vrba, E. S., and G. B. Schaller. 2000. Phylogeny of Bovidae based on behavior, glands, skulls, and postcrania. In Antelopes, Deer, and Relatives. Edited by E.S.Vrba and G.B.Schaller. New Haven & London: Yale University Press. pp. 203-222.